About Me
Hi there, this is Vikas Kotak, and if you have reached this far into the page, you are in for an exciting story. My journey started with a BSc degree, which I pursued before entering medical school. However, in the last year of med school, I made a bold decision to drop out and join my dad's entrepreneurial journey.
While running the business I discovered a liking for marketing and content writing. I began reading and consuming a lot of content about the psychology behind marketing. The more I delved into it, the more interested I became. It was then that I decided to become a freelance content writer and content strategist.
My diverse background of science and business brings a unique perspective to my writing. This allows me to craft content that is not only informative but also engaging across various industries.
As a freelance content writer, I take great pride in delivering high-quality work that resonates with audiences. Through research and attention to detail ensure that my writing is accurate, well-informed, and tailored to meet the specific goals and needs of my clients.
I am passionate about storytelling and dedicated to delivering excellence in my writing. If you're seeking informative articles or strategic content guidance, I am here to bring your vision to life and help elevate your brand's online presence.